whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Life Update.

So its been awhile since i posted anything, but really my life isnt that exciting so getting caught up shouldnt take that long. I think i need some kids so they can provide me with some crap/puke stories, oh and perks like more "Ralph Bucks" and the spanking (kidding).

All last week i was sent to "BJ school" (seriously). Every once in awhile my company likes to send its employees out to take some classes, and last week i got to take a class on Real time acquisition or something like that. The class was fine and the change of pace was really nice. Getting up an hour and a half later than usual, wearing whatever i want, and having the day done by two o'clock to enjoy the beautiful weather was pretty sweet.

Rugby finally started and im pretty pumped about that. Time to get in shape and get back into competitive mode, only bad thing is missing tuesday night dinners at the Lobbs because practice is on at the same time.

I've decided to start painting again. My last painting, which was for steve and sue, took me about two and a half years... hopefully by posting weekly updates on here it will keep me focused and i'll be able to finish faster. I plan on doing a giraffe face on a 2.5 x 2.5 foot canvas in black and white.... we'll see how it turns out.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Rugby cant start soon enough

I should be recieving an email any day to inform me when training will be starting and i think the spring season starts in late may. Yes Devin i know that in beautiful victoria they play all year round... but guess what?! i dont want to hear it! I am too excited, i didnt get to play last year because i went to china and i really missed getting beat up week after week, spending time with the guys and just being in a competitive league of some sort. I hope to make first division this year and actually start the entire summer season. Last year i played i made first division for the spring season but was "demoted" to second div starter and first div sub... i'll keep you posted. oh the guy in the picture getting his head stepped on is one of my coaches... ouch! Rugby, its good times!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I thought this was pretty cool

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

downtown sights

i love being downtown everyday. you definitely get to see some pretty neat, weird and interesting things. Like today, i saw a canadian goose just wandering around all by himself enjoying the sunshine. It took me by surprise, he looked as if he believed that he belonged down there so yeah i left him be.

I take the train back home from work from the tenth street train station... yeah that provides ample opportunity to see some weird crap. I've been asked if i wanted to buy drugs pretty much everyday, by the same guy each time. On the days im not offered drugs i'll most likely see someone arrested or chased and sometimes chased then arrested... i'd like to see sometime a guy arrested then the cops give him a minute head start then chase him down.

Speaking of trains, one of my favorite things to witness is people booking it to the platform as the train is cruising by them.... some people actually impress me by how fast they can run, and their determination to catch that train... not the one coming five minutes later... but the fun times come after all their hard work they make it to the platform and they franticly push the button to open the doors.... and the doors have already been locked down. wow, you really put a lot of effort into sprinting here in your suit to catch the train....ooooh, so close!!! and since you put all that effort in you may as well continue pushing that button until the train rolls away.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Enjoying work!

I really like my job. I work with great guys, have interesting work, im learning tons and its not very stressful. I've been with BJ for a couple months now and im still learning tons, and the guys have been really good about taking time to answer my questions, show me equations and explain drilling proceedures that i dont understand. Besides having good co workers life at BJ is pretty relaxed, the salemen understand that they are not the ONLY salesmen and accept the fact that we have other work besides their's. We also take time to have fun. Everyday my group picks up and leaves for coffee, which usually lasts a good half an hour, in the two months i've been here i've already been taken out for lunch more times than i can count (so like 6 or 7) and those sometimes last a few hours... and to top it all off i got to leave work yesturday at noon to represent the calgary headoffice in red deer in a game of hockey, yup thats right payed to play hockey...pretty sweet. Am i bragging.. you betcha! after months of searching for a job i would be happy just have a steady income but im just that much happier that i actually like the place that decided to hire me! anyone for three cheers for BJ?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Family far from Fome

Jordan and Kristen are in Ottawa. No seriously they are!! yeah, i know you knew and we all miss them.(Kristen more than that hockey pool cheater Jordan) But it has to be extra hard on Auntie Faye, Uncle Randy, Kirsten, Devin, Heather and the rest of her clan. Plus Devin is in Victoria so its gotta be extra hard for the Tronsgards/Lobb's. It sucks when family is so far away... didnt something like 25000 people move to calgary over the last couple months... not a bad trade! I know how this is my brother Steve and Sister in law Jenn are in China and only get to see them a couple days out of the year. Gotta say i miss them. Steve and i talked on MSN last night and started talking about when they will be in calgary and such... hopefully i can take some time off and go to the coast with them for a few weeks since steve wants to do some sea kayaking. He also informed me of his rough life over there. It seems that they took the advantage of spring break to travel to another exotic location... the name escapes me at the time, but still life must be horrible for them.

Hockey... ya gotta love it.

There is only about a week left in the regular season and every night the standings change. Its such a great time to be a hockey fan. Everyone knows that my team happens to be the Oilers but i do like a handful of teams. the flames being one of them. Last season was so amazing with the whole city getting into it. Calgary just happened to have the perfect ingredients that made herself called "the city with the greatest hockey fans" according to Sports Illustrated.

first its a canadian city full of people that love the sport of hockey, second it was calgarys first playoff birth in a decade, third there is a ridiculous amount of money here that allowed a few hundred thousand people to buy car flags and jerseys (apparently Calgary set a record for most jerseys sold in a season for any sport) and forth the flames had an amazing run pretty much out of no-where. All those things combined made for an awesome atmosphere... being at the Lobb's apartment downtown to watch some games provided a few memorable moments of its own (like celebrating a goal out on the balcony with everyone else in the building and those across the street) now i dont know if one year makes calgary have the greatest fans... after all for the ten or so years when they sucked... and boy did they suck, hardly anyone went to the games.

But that doesn't matter, the point is playoff hockey is just around the corner calgary is looking strong, hopefully my oil will hang tough and make it in. I also like Montreal and Ottawa's chances of doing well in the east. All in all good times. Say good bye to your girlfriends for a couple months (im sending mine to Europe for the month of May... okay so im not sending her i think she's sick of me and needs a vacation...Seriously) head over to the lobbs, grab a pot and a wooden spoon and celebrate ... Playoff time is here.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Poor Silke

Silke has been limping around for a few months now. When ever she was taken out for a walk or run she'd really feel it for the next few days and would have to walk around on three legs. It got to the point where we needed to get something done, so on Thursday she had surgery on her knee. I expected to come home to a poor excuse for a dog (because thats what she looked like after she had the surgery to have rocks removed from her tummy... thats another story) but she was happy to see me come home after work and was wagging her tail... she didnt move any other part of her body mind you. Shes actually walking around already, not putting too much weight on her leg but she's managing.