whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hockey... ya gotta love it.

There is only about a week left in the regular season and every night the standings change. Its such a great time to be a hockey fan. Everyone knows that my team happens to be the Oilers but i do like a handful of teams. the flames being one of them. Last season was so amazing with the whole city getting into it. Calgary just happened to have the perfect ingredients that made herself called "the city with the greatest hockey fans" according to Sports Illustrated.

first its a canadian city full of people that love the sport of hockey, second it was calgarys first playoff birth in a decade, third there is a ridiculous amount of money here that allowed a few hundred thousand people to buy car flags and jerseys (apparently Calgary set a record for most jerseys sold in a season for any sport) and forth the flames had an amazing run pretty much out of no-where. All those things combined made for an awesome atmosphere... being at the Lobb's apartment downtown to watch some games provided a few memorable moments of its own (like celebrating a goal out on the balcony with everyone else in the building and those across the street) now i dont know if one year makes calgary have the greatest fans... after all for the ten or so years when they sucked... and boy did they suck, hardly anyone went to the games.

But that doesn't matter, the point is playoff hockey is just around the corner calgary is looking strong, hopefully my oil will hang tough and make it in. I also like Montreal and Ottawa's chances of doing well in the east. All in all good times. Say good bye to your girlfriends for a couple months (im sending mine to Europe for the month of May... okay so im not sending her i think she's sick of me and needs a vacation...Seriously) head over to the lobbs, grab a pot and a wooden spoon and celebrate ... Playoff time is here.


At 4:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do wives count? I bet she'd be mad if I sent her away.

At 4:38 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

sure send her away too... and if she gets mad... meh.. at least she will be somewhere you're not and her being mad wont disrupt the hockey game.

seriously check out my shirt people!

At 4:42 pm, Blogger kristen said...

but i like hockey....i've watched more playoff hockey than some guys i know.

At 4:43 pm, Blogger kristen said...

ps-if you won't be making it to kirsten's tonight, best to call ahead ;-)

At 11:46 pm, Blogger Dee said...

Um....some girls like hockey too....GO FLAMES!!!!

At 3:15 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

Yeah some girls do like to watch hockey... but very few like it for the right reasons. What are those reasons? Fighting, tic-tac-toe passing and well the ice girls that come and shovel the ice in tv commercial breaks (those tampa girls were hot!)


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