whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


finally! the stupid couch has arrived along with the coffee table. The couch is quite comfy and i have already had my first nap on it. all is well.


At 9:19 am, Blogger Joy and Darrin said...

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful new addition. Nap when you can.

At 9:26 am, Blogger Kirst said...

Are you going to be able to tear yourself away from it to come for dinner. Do you have pictures?

At 10:07 am, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

i am so there for dinner Kirst. No pictures but its a couch... and its brown. I think im most happy about my condo actually looking more like a home.

At 5:41 pm, Blogger Bobbi said...

Just browsing (from Joy's blog) and had to laugh! We too purchased living room furniture in the middle of September and only have received a coffee table! We were told it was supposed to arrive on Tuesday...I still have a coffee table in my living room!
...perhaps we purchased our furniture at the same 'company' store?!


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