Snow Good!
As many of you know im a fan of winter. Thats not to say i dont enjoy when summer finaly comes, because i really like summer too. But its because of winter that i love summer so much. Winter definately has up sides and this week we finally got some of it... a nice dump of snow. I dont think anyone can deny that snow makes everything look... ummm.... well pretty! besides that snow is great for creating fun things to do: building snow forts, snowball fights, sledding. One little guilty pleasure i have is that i enjoy seeing people slip and potentially fall on the slippy sidewalks and roads... its not so fun being on the other end. yeah, thats right!! today while running to catch the c-train i totally bit the dust... like one moment i was all happy that i wouldnt have to wait outside for the train and the next on the ground making snow angels... worst of all, i missed the train. and i just know there were a few people on board that took just as much pleasure in watching a me bail as i would. Luckily it was casual friday and i was wearing jeans because the only thing funnier than seeing a guy fall while trying to make the train is seeing a guy fall while trying to make the train in a suit. how can you not like winter?!