whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Snow Good!

As many of you know im a fan of winter. Thats not to say i dont enjoy when summer finaly comes, because i really like summer too. But its because of winter that i love summer so much. Winter definately has up sides and this week we finally got some of it... a nice dump of snow. I dont think anyone can deny that snow makes everything look... ummm.... well pretty! besides that snow is great for creating fun things to do: building snow forts, snowball fights, sledding. One little guilty pleasure i have is that i enjoy seeing people slip and potentially fall on the slippy sidewalks and roads... its not so fun being on the other end. yeah, thats right!! today while running to catch the c-train i totally bit the dust... like one moment i was all happy that i wouldnt have to wait outside for the train and the next on the ground making snow angels... worst of all, i missed the train. and i just know there were a few people on board that took just as much pleasure in watching a me bail as i would. Luckily it was casual friday and i was wearing jeans because the only thing funnier than seeing a guy fall while trying to make the train is seeing a guy fall while trying to make the train in a suit. how can you not like winter?!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Waking up is hard to do.

I like to sleep. alot. and im pretty sure if you left me, i'd sleep all day. and you know what? waking up sucks. I rememeber as a kid hating the fact that i had a bed time and that my older brothers got to stay up, i hated going to bed.... but being woken up was and still is worse.

We all know waking up is a part of life there are jobs to go to and things to do and you just accept it and slowly roll yourself out of bed. But waking up for something you'd LIKE to do but dont HAVE to do is reallllllly hard. I've been trying for the last little while to wake up to work out before i have to go to work. and really it only means i have to get up about an hour earlier.... but i've yet to work out before i've gone to work.

Last night i set my alarm and put it on the other side of the room so that i would have to get up to turn it off ... and well it worked, i got up, went over and turned it off... then reset the alarm clock an hour ahead and went back to sleep. So really all i did was cut into my sleeping time and really that extra hour probably didnt rest my body any further... so now i have to go work out after work when all i really want to do is go home and eat dinner. oh well i'll try again tommarow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Wedding Talk

Ah yes, Jordan and Kristen are getting married this weekend. Exciting times for sure. Being pretty much the only single one left i think i have a unique view on the world. I know there is still much to learn about relationships ... but i think im still doing better than this guy

Blogging Step Two...

Blogging step two: tell others you have been blogging.

probably a key step! but yeah i really wasnt sure if i would keep up on the blogging thing but seeing Kirsten start to blog kinda reminded me that maybe i should let others in on my blogging expertise... or lack there of. so yeah i'll try to remember to email some of you so that you can actually read what im writing.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Here we go.

Well I never thought I would ever join the world of "Blogging" but I am a man with much to say and this just might be a good way of letting others hear it. If nothing else it will give me something to do when nothing is going on, such as right now.

Im at work and it's Friday but nothing is going on with only a couple hours until the weekend. I've spent the entire week (along with the last two weeks) reading text books, seminar notes etc and job shadowing. I think next week I'll actually have stuff to do which will be good. I know in a few weeks I'll be looking back and wishing I had the free time but for now im just excited to get working.

Okay so this was a pretty lame way to start off blogging, I promise this will heat up soon. I might have to go "create" some excitement in my life in order to have a kick ass blog that people will actually want to read.
