whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Waking up is hard to do.

I like to sleep. alot. and im pretty sure if you left me, i'd sleep all day. and you know what? waking up sucks. I rememeber as a kid hating the fact that i had a bed time and that my older brothers got to stay up, i hated going to bed.... but being woken up was and still is worse.

We all know waking up is a part of life there are jobs to go to and things to do and you just accept it and slowly roll yourself out of bed. But waking up for something you'd LIKE to do but dont HAVE to do is reallllllly hard. I've been trying for the last little while to wake up to work out before i have to go to work. and really it only means i have to get up about an hour earlier.... but i've yet to work out before i've gone to work.

Last night i set my alarm and put it on the other side of the room so that i would have to get up to turn it off ... and well it worked, i got up, went over and turned it off... then reset the alarm clock an hour ahead and went back to sleep. So really all i did was cut into my sleeping time and really that extra hour probably didnt rest my body any further... so now i have to go work out after work when all i really want to do is go home and eat dinner. oh well i'll try again tommarow.


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