whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Going to mexico!!!

I cannot wait for December. First im being shipped out to Houston for international BJ school for a week. I had a choice of three dates that i could go down to Texas for the course. one in early september, one in october and one in December.... hmm when would i like to be in Houston and not in Calgary. So mid-december thats where i will be for a week.

then of course is Christmas! all the baking (not mine but my mothers) all the lights and the sounds and the hussle and bussle .. am i the only one that enjoys seeing thousands of people in the malls and on the streets?

And then right after Christmas i'll go back to work for a couple days before saying "see ya later" and get on a plane to go to Mexico for a week. Im going with My girlfriend and her family so it should be pretty good times, im going to be soooo pasty white before i get there, and so very dark when i get back... it will be awesome.


At 2:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh BJ school, I could never stop laughing at that. Since it's international BJ school you might get some foriegn teaching that BJ school in Calgary could not provide. I wish my girlfriend would take me to Mexico, I only get offered to go to Toronto. Seriously, who wants to go to Toronto in Febraury, no one.

At 8:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but nathan, i thought that the cold was what made you canadian...that the cold made you feel alive and that true canadians don't complain about the winter and the cold.

At 8:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

D, your girlfriend is fabulous and constantly offers to take you places (granted she is usually unable to follow through on these promises, but that is entirely besides the point). And besides, not everyone can be lucky as Nathan.

At 9:58 am, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

Kristen, i still love the winter we have, and that will never change. but at the same time i do enjoy sunner warm weather. I dont think i could live in a place that was one season all year round.

At 2:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been before? It's great. You've done your girlfriend research this time. Nice!
She doesn't read this, does she?

At 2:54 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

I actually have NEVER been... i was supposed to have gone before but that kinda fell through. I dont think she reads this maybe once every in awhile.

At 1:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the capital M on MY girlfriend... Made me laugh, not too sure why.

Jealous of the mexico.


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