whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

skirt season!

right off the bat i'd like to direct you here because im sure to offend someone with this post.

A few years back Steve and I went to Jack Astors for lunch. It was the first week of nice weather and we were both enjoying the fact that we could wear shorts and sandles. After our meal (where im sure we acted like idiots) we left the resturant to go and do something... (probably to go to the Tronsgards to play cards with Faye and Randy) and steve asked me "You know what the best part of Summer is?" i dont think he expected me to reply with an answer, but i responded "Girls in tanktops?!" to which steve agreed and that it beat his answer of being able to close your car door by grabbing through the open window. Good times!

and again that season is upon us!! skirt and tank top season that is. I think everyone can appriciate a nice relaxing walk down stephen ave. during lunch hour and enjoy the "scenery".


At 10:57 pm, Blogger Dee said...

That looks like the skirt I saw on nearly every girl walking down the halls at my old High School on a visit there today.....careful about what 'scenery' you are checking out Nathan!!

At 6:15 am, Blogger kristen said...

hey...i can't see the picture...
meh, it's a chick in a skirt...unless it is one i want to buy, there's not much in it for me :-)

At 10:00 am, Blogger Joy and Darrin said...

Unfortunately, there aren't any laws about who can buy and thus don a short skirt. Some skirts and tops should only be made in single digit sizes. I know because I'm not!

PS - nice choice for a skirt picture. Did you get it from an ad for the '80? Maybe scanned in your Debbie Gibson poster?

At 6:45 pm, Blogger kristen said...

ooh....my computer at home allows me to see the skirt...
to frilly, but the pink is ok. Nathan, you're imagining that that skirt is the only thing she's wearing aren't you.
don't be lying now...

At 9:46 pm, Blogger Joy and Darrin said...

actually, do you even know who Debbie Gibson is?

At 10:00 pm, Blogger Heather said...

that really is a pretty weird ass skirt... It reminds me of something that OC girl would wear... the slutty one.

At 11:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so I finally get around to finding some back-door way into viewing this blog from China an now I see that you are in fact using this space for this...... Well done.

At 1:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful skirt!

At 7:53 am, Blogger Fred and Wendy said...

You know girls love guys who sell the War Cry!

At 8:06 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

i agree with joy that skirts like this are better left to those who are in the single digits.

I will niether confirm nor deny that i am thinking about the girl wearing JUST the skirt.

At 8:07 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

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At 10:23 pm, Blogger Faye said...

I don't care about the skirt, I'd just like it if you did come by and play games sometime. The last time you and Steve did that we had fun.

At 1:08 pm, Blogger Joy and Darrin said...

who cuts your hair?

At 1:11 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

uhhhh, why??? i feel like im being set up here.. Sue at that place thats in the strip mall by safeway in woodbine does usually, but i get whoever is free.

At 1:34 pm, Blogger Joy and Darrin said...

I'm actually being serious. I really liked it last sunday and I have finally convinced Darrin to seek "professional help" instead of magic cuts or the hair kids at school. Just curious.
And by free, you mean available right? Any free haircut is a good one.

At 1:39 pm, Blogger --Nathan-- said...

well thanks, and yes i did mean available... but not all free hair cuts are good, other wise i'd say hand over the scissors to Ethan.


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