whaaaa? nathan knows nothing?!

This is me in all my pasty whiteness.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Desolation Sound... the trip.

So for those of you who dont know, i just came back from B.C. spending ten days enjoying gorgeous weather, the coast and kayaking with my brother Steve and sister in law Jenn. I cannot think of any negative aspects of the trip as it was a non-stop good time.

We drove from calgary to Abbotsford on Friday to prepare for our kayaking/camping trip through the beautiful islands of "Desolation Sound" We left Abbotsford for the coast on Monday morning; two faerie rides and a short drive in between later we arrived at our destination. We decided to set up camp and wait for the next day before we picked up our kayaks and start on our voyage.

Tuesday to Friday we were on the water, paddling from island to island, enjoying the sun looking for good places to camp (as there were no official camp sites) and loving the beauty that surrounded us.

Every morning i woke up, crawled out of the tent and loved the fact that the ocean was less than stones throw away (one night i went to bed with the ocean about two feet away... but i'll save that story).

all in all it was a great adventure spent with great companions!

*more specific stories will follow in posts to come


At 11:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing quite like being a stone's throw from the ocean. I think being from Alberta most of us love going to the coast. A large number of people that live by the water and have lived on the coast for a long time take it for granted and don't realize how beautiful it is. I can't wait till I'm back on the coast and enjoying a couple weeks of beach time before school.

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